• Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 25 Jul 2011

Is it safe to continue having sex during pregnancy?

The majority of couples can still have sexual intercourse during their pregnancy. Your baby is surrounded and cushioned by amniotic fluid, and protected by your uterus and a layer of muscles. And the mucus plug inside your cervix helps guard against infection. Sex during pregnancy can be more enjoyable, even if your are doing it less. There is an increase in vaginal lubrication, engorgment of the genital area helps some people become orgasmic for the first time or multi-orgasmic, the lack of birth control, or if you have been trying for awhile, a return to sex as pleasure as opposed to procreational, and other reasons. On the other hand there are reasons why sex might not be as pleasurable: fear of hurting the baby, nausea, fatigue, awkwardness, etc. While women may feel large and uncomfortable, men generally find the pregnant body very erotic and desirable. It is important that you and your partner discuss the feelings you each have abouut sex. Even if sex is not an option, there are many other way of fullfilling the intimate desieres. More cuddling, romantic dinners, kissing, mutual masturbation and other intimate likings are all possibilities.

Third Trimester Sex:
It is is generally safe to engage in sexual intercourse during the third trimester. It is not safe if you’re bleeding or have a placenta that’s in front of the baby’s head–placenta previa. With placenta previa, if the penis comes in contact with the cervix or you have contractions as a result of orgasm, it can traumatize the placenta and cause significant enough bleeding that you lose the pregnancy. Also you shouldn’t have sex if your membranes are ruptured (water breaks) because then the baby is no longer protected against any possible infection. It’s also risky to have sex if it’s early in your third trimester and you’re having premature labor or you have a short cervix, because an orgasm can stimulate contractions. But if you’re having a healthy normal pregnancy there’s no risk, though as you get larger, it may be uncomfortable, requiring you to be creative about your position.

Anal Sex:
Anal sex during pregnancy is usually safe as well. However, if you have hemorrhoids, remember that they tend to become larger during pregnancy. And if your hemorrhoids are bleeding and you have anal sex, you can lose a considerable amount of blood, which can endanger you and your baby. You should never go from anal to vaginal sex without cleaning up first and changing condoms if you’re using one — otherwise you put yourself at risk for bacterial vaginitis, and there’s some concern that this infection can cause preterm labor or make your water break early. Also, unless you’re in a monogamous relationship and know that you and your partner are HIV-negative, you should use a condom, because HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmitted through broken skin.

Oral Sex:
Licking the vagina is fine, but it’s not safe to blow into the genital area. Forcing or blowing air into the vaginal and urethral areas is very dangerous. Theoretically, if your partner blew hard enough, it could cause an embolism (bubble of air) to develop in a blood vessel in that area, and that could be lethal for you or the baby. Giving oral sex is also okay as long as you are comfortable. There’s no danger to the baby from swallowing semen. As long as you’re in a monogamous relationship and know that your partner is free of STDs, there’s no risk. If your partner is HIV-positive, it’s not safe because the virus is present in semen, and you and your baby could become infected if you swallow it.

Vibrators And Dildos:
It’s generally safe to use a dildo during pregnancy. You do want to be extra careful not to penetrate too forcefully since plastic is more rigid than flesh. If you have placenta previa, using a sex toy (or, for that matter, having intercourse) could traumatize the placenta and cause heavy bleeding that could jeopardize your pregnancy. If you’re at risk for premature labor, having an orgasm could cause contractions. And if your water has broken, there’s a risk of infection to the baby. In any case, make sure the dildo is clean, and don’t share it without cleaning it. If you’re having a healthy pregnancy, it’s safe to use a vibrator. But if you’re at risk for preterm labor, it can be risky to have an orgasm since it can stimulate contractions.

Although very safe, you may find that you dont need an additional lubricanat during pregnacy. Your cervix is plugged with mucus during pregnancy so there’s no danger of the lubricant getting up to the baby. Just make sure it’s water-based if you’re using condoms since petroleum-based products will put holes in them.

When Not To Have Sex:

If you are experiencing preterm labor
If you have placenta previa
When your water breaks
Unexplained vaginal bleeding
Abdominal cramping
Cervical insufficiency
A dilated cervix
Outbreak of genital herpes


  • Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 20 Jun 2011

Can pregnancy influence your ability to observe or persecutive the paranormal?

My experience with motherhood is restricted to research and theory, so I can’t answer that question from a personal perspective. I can shed a different light on the matter… in hypnotherapy there is a technique called natal regression. Basically, the client regresses to the pregnancy period for deeper insights into thoughts or beliefs that the client adopted during this time. Before trying this technique I was a skeptic. I honestly thought that I would regress into nothingness and twiddle my thumbs at the boring turn of “non-events”. What I found, upon regressing to the natal state, was information from the night of conception, as well as an event during gestation (where I felt my mother worrying about finances), and then the birth…where I felt the tightness of the birth canal and a feeling of suffocation. When a fellow hypnotherapist asked me to focus on the first person I saw in the delivery room, it wasn’t human. My eyes were drawn to a spirit form, which is the best way I can explain it – someone or something who was there to watch over me. I felt completely comfortable in its presence.

Why is natal regression important? It is thought that, during the pregnancy, a mother’s thoughts and feelings will transfer to the child. The child, at this point, has no way of distinguishing between the mother’s “stuff” and his or her own, so everything is accepted as a personal experience (natal regression is the process of reversing some of these limiting or negative beliefs, if there are any…some people experience only love and a profound feeling of acceptance from their families, which is equally powerful).

Any emotion of the mother’s has the ability to transfer to the unborn child, and so it is especially important for women to take care of themselves during pregnancy. Try to remove any outside stress and remain positive and nurturing (even in your thoughts about yourself, women). For the hypnobeginning portion of my courses (hypnosis for a natural childbirth), we watched a video of a fetus. The baby cringed as it listened to sounds of a man and woman arguing, and then it jumped in the womb when something crashed in the background.

As a father, you have the awesome privilege of being there for your unborn child in more ways than you might realize. What you say to your wife – and the emotion behind those words – are interpreted on some level by your child. In many circles within the clinical hypnosis community, it is believed that the soul of the child actually chooses its parents before coming to earth. Thousands of regressions to the interlife state support this, but that is only an opinion and like any belief, you can accept or reject this.

This is just a little of what I have gathered over the years. Your experience will be beautiful in its own way…enjoy every moment.

  • Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 30 Nov 2008

Having children has always been a struggle for me, it took me 4yrs and a lot of fertility shots to become pregnant with my daughter and another 3yrs and a bunch more fertility shots to become pregnant with my son. Along those years of trying, I had several heart-wrenching miscarriages. I, like many women, suffer from endometriosis, which makes it more difficult to get pregnant and sometimes, reduces your chance to have a successful pregnancy up to 30-40%. It’s a battle that I fight and that women fight every day and I continue to hope that one day, Doctors will find some other cure besides surgery.