You just found out your friend or family member had a baby and you can’t make it to the hospital, what do you do, and what will they think? Sometimes, life’s hectic schedules can get even the best of us, and even though we would like to be there for all of life’s events we can’t. That is why a gift basket is always a great gift and a well appreciated idea when someone has a new bundle of joy. Sometimes the new mom is so exhausted after giving birth, that she would probably prefer the quiet time alone for rest and to bond with her new baby anyway. Below are some pictures of my favorite gift basket ideas. With these gift baskets, your gift is sure to be a hit and greatly appreciated.
These yummy cookie baskets will please the new parents and their guests
These Fruit Baskets are healthy, cute and creative
Every woman loves flowers
Burt's Bees makes healthy and natural gift baskets for mom and baby
Diaper Cakes make fun and creative gifts
My sister has a 12-year-old son and just had a baby girl about 8 weeks ago. I asked her how her son dealt with her pregnancy and having a new baby sister come into the family.
She said at first he wasn’t sure how he felt. It didn’t really seem real to him until she started to show. He had a hard time grasping the reality of it all. My sister had to get a Caesarean Section and her son knew this. As her pregnancy went on he became excited but also very worried and anxious at once. She was feeling very tired and sick all of the time. This worried him and made him scared that something bad was going to happen to her or that she might even die. My sister said this was because someone being pregnant was something completely new to him so he did not know what to expect. Once my sister had the baby, her son was over joyed and became more relaxed in knowing he could see and feel his new baby sister and that his mom made it through alive and healthy. When she got home from the hospital her son was very helpful around the house and with the new baby. But sometimes he would fight for attention and almost revert to acting like a baby himself by wanting to climb on her lap and things like that. Overall, everyone is happy and doing well. I think children adjust differently and come to acceptance at different times.
My husband and I are the same age and we both met in Junior High; even though we were young, it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, but also of course now happily, we had our son when we were only 18 and then our daughter at 24. Now at the age of 40, we both just realized that I am pregnant again, which is a very unexpected surprise! It feels a little odd that my son could be old enough to be the baby’s father (our son is 22, soon to be 23); but at the same time, I am really looking forward to having another baby and I am very excited. What makes the surprise even better, is my best friend who also has older children, just recently found out she was pregnant, also by surprise; so our children we will be able to grow up together, which I think is great J
I’m a vegetarian and a gym addict; but while pregnant with my second daughter, I craved roast beef sandwiches and chocolate and peanut butter ice-cream on almost a daily basis. The first time I asked my husband to pick me up a roast beef sandwich and a pint of ice-cream, I thought he was going to faint. I still laugh to this day thinking about it.
Having children has always been a struggle for me, it took me 4yrs and a lot of fertility shots to become pregnant with my daughter and another 3yrs and a bunch more fertility shots to become pregnant with my son. Along those years of trying, I had several heart-wrenching miscarriages. I, like many women, suffer from endometriosis, which makes it more difficult to get pregnant and sometimes, reduces your chance to have a successful pregnancy up to 30-40%. It’s a battle that I fight and that women fight every day and I continue to hope that one day, Doctors will find some other cure besides surgery.
- Tags: 14 Children, 8 Children, baby, baby boy gift basket, baby clothes, baby earth, baby girl gift basket, baby products, burt's bees, buying baby clothes on EBay, car accident while pregnant, child, children, cookie gift basket, Coping, cost of daycare, cravings, cvs, diaper cake, economy, Endometriosis, expenses, fertility shots, financial support, flowers, fragrance free, fruit gift basket, gift basket, gifts, harsh chemicals, Healthy Alternatives for Your Baby, in vitro fertilization, it's a boy gift basket, it's a girl gift basket, IVF, miscarriage, Nadya Suleman, natural baby products, newborns, normal pregnancy weight, octuplets, pregnancy, pregnancy weight, pregnant, recalled baby products, recalled Stork Craft Cribs, Scared to Drive while Pregnant, Siblings, single woman pregnancy, stories, Strangers' Comments, surprise pregnancy, SwaddleMe Bamboo Wrap, target, tips, tricks, ulta, Uncategorized, unexpected pregnancy, vegetarian, wegmans, women
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