• Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 18 Jul 2011

When I first got online to network with other mom’s who were pregnant like me, I was bombarded by a sea of acronyms and slang that is like another language. A language that is the world of family planning, pregnancy and familial lives on message boards and social networks. Here is a brief introduction to them and their meanings, in no particular order.

TTC – Trying to Conceive
PG – Pregnant
AF – Aunt Flo (Period)
DH- Dear Husband
DS- Dear Son
DD – Dear Daughter
OPK – Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS – Pee on a stick
EDD – Estimated Due Date
VBAC – Vaginal Birth after Caesarian
DDC – Due Date Club
L&D – Labor and Delivery
2WW – 2 week wait
CD – Cycle Day
CM – Cervical Mucus
BD – Baby Dancing
BBT – Body Basal Thermometer
LMP – Last Menstrual Period
HPT – Home Pregnancy Test
BFP – Big Fat Positive
BFN – Big Fat Negative
O – Ovulation
MS – Morning Sickness
BTDT – Been There Done That
MC – Miscarriage

  • Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 10 Feb 2009

If you have been listening to the news recently, you may be aware of the single, unemployed mother that already has 6 children and just recently had 8 more children (Octuplets) through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Nadya Suleman, who lives with her mother, now has 14 children. While I certainly believe and standby a single woman’s right to have children; I do not standby someone that chooses to have children he or she cannot afford to support financially.

Nadya is currently unemployed and lives with her mother, while struggling to already care for her 6 children, and now she brought 8 more children in to this world without a means to support and care for them. Her own mother, out of desperation, has threatened to leave town.

Nadya Suleman has a degree in Child and Adolescent Development from California State University, Fullerton, and is pursuing her Masters Degree in Counseling. However, her children currently range in ages from newborn to 7 years old. So even if Nadya wanted to go back to work, how would she be able to afford daycare for all of the children that aren’t currently in school? In today’s society, the average cost of daycare for 1 child is about $800.00 to $1,000.00 per month, not including summer camp, which can also be costly.

On a positive note, the octuplet babies are currently breathing on their own and are being tube-fed. The octuplets range from 1 pound 8 ounces to 3 pounds 4 ounces, and are progressing well. Hopefully, all of Nadya’s children will be able to live healthy and happy lives, despite their mother’s shortcomings.

I am curious to hear everyone else’s opinions. Please leave a comment expressing your views and opinions regarding this matter.

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