• Posted by Pregnant Stories
  • 17 May 2011

Depending on the type of birth you plan to have, most women have a list of the same types of essentials to pack for a hospital birth. Aside of labor tools like flame-less candles, ipods for music or hypnobabies, or massage oils, the essentials are pretty common:

A Camera!
Socks! Nothing gets your socks wet faster than your water breaking.
A change of bed clothes and street clothes. A robe is also nice.
Nursing bra – Essential!!!
Make up and personal essentials – you will want your own shampoo and body wash after giving birth.
Car Seat properly installed in your vehicle.
Baby clothes for hospital pictures and to go home in For baby’s sake – keep it washed and soft and comfortable.
Baby book or keepsake paper for footprints.
Nursing pillow – wonderful to have, especially if you will be breastfeeding for the first time.
Glasses or Contacts if you use them.
Diaper Bag – to pack away baby goodies to take home
Snacks – you will be HUNGRY!
Your phone!

You won’t need:
A stop watch to time contractions. If they are close enough together then you are already in the hospital and the monitors will time the contractions.
Baby bottles, pacifiers, diapers and blankets – the hospital will provide for your baby. You may only need these items if you live far from the hospital or don’t plan on going straight home.
Jewelry – leave it home!
Baby shoes – they aren’t walking anywhere.


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